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New distributor for Mercury Fuel Systems products in Ireland

  • Posted On: 23 May 2017
  • Number of views: 3878

Mercury Fuel Systems Ltd are delighted to advise our existing (and forthcoming) Irish customers of the recent appointment of our exclusive Irish and Northern Irish distributor and agent. Alternative Fleet Ltd are located just 1km off the Avoca-Newcastle junction on the M7 at Greenogue. Ian Mc Donnell, Sales Director of Alternative Fleet Ltd, brings a wealth of Dual Fuel LPG and fleet experience with HGV’s and Vans being LPG dual fuel converted in their secure premises. For the first time Irish customers now have true back-up and service offering full R&M packages- just like in the UK.

Ian says, "corporate awareness and demand for HGV alternative fuel solutions have taken a marked increase of late". LPG Dual Fuel, he assures, is market ready in Ireland due to LPG providers ability to provide competitively priced Autogas 100% - nationwide". He explains, "this is in stark contrast to other fuels such as CNG and EV which are 5 to 10 years away in reality - if pushed? We can now supply CALOR LPG and BioLPG tanks and dispensers in your yard and regional depots”.

Irish hauliers are viewed internationally as being highly professional. Being an export nation means that they need to operate high calibre vehicles, and as such are open minded to any operational 'suggestions' which allows them reduce their bottom line and at the same time run an environmentally friendly fleet.

The driving range a HGV covers is an important issue to Irish hauliers and in many cases Mercury’s dual fuel system will extend the range of vehicles which is important for national and continental hauliers purchasing fuels at their preferred locations. Fuels can be purchased anywhere in Europe.

Mercury Fuel Systems are delighted with our Irish agents most extensive progress made with DAF Ireland, Emerald Truck & Van (IVECO) and many more significant Irish companies in 2016 & 2017. Warranty options are in place for all vehicles - even on new vehicles. (*see terms & conditions)

Mercury's Dual Fuel systems are market ready and come with a new BioLPG fuel supply option. Greenhouse gasses including Co2 can be reduced by up to 48% and pollutants including NOx by up to 48%.

For further contact information and a no obligation consultation regarding your fleets cost and environmental savings please refer to the “Contact Us” section of our website.

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