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Defining a Low Emission Commercial Vehicle

  • Posted On: 20 July 2016
  • Number of views: 3012
Defining a Low Emission Commercial Vehicle

Mercury Fuel Systems is pleased to be taking part in the DfT sponsored Low Carbon Truck Trials which have been ongoing since 2013.

LowCVP in particular were eager to use the trials as a basis of defining a low emission commercial vehicle. With the proliferation of OEM and aftermarket systems for reducing greenhouse gasses and pollutants from commercial vehicles, there was a feeling that innovation was good, but proliferation could create problems.

The key conclusion from the Low Carbon Truck Trials (and other studies) was the need for robust emissions test data for technology comparisons and evaluation which would lead to an accreditation scheme.

The result is a scheme which has a suite of 4 test cycles for all standard commercial vehicles and an established test process from at least two test providers (Millbrook and Horiba Mira). This will develop thresholds of recognition and encompass all the players involved such as OLEV, DfT, TfL Defra etc.

Results of the testing so far on our Euro6 truck shows the MFS LPG/Diesel duel fuel system performing favourably against other systems being tested.

For more information on our system or to book a Dual Fuel Truck demo please contact Tony Dent via our website or direct Tel: 07890633870.

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